SFC Handbook Progress Report 12/03/95

TO: A huge chunk of Southern Fandom
FROM: T.K.F. Weisskopf

RE: SFC History & Handbook 1996, Update III

The last mailing went out to about 60 people. This one will go out to even more. Here's what's been happening:

Tuesday November 15th:

Wed. Nov. 16th:

When I returned home from Soonercon, Sunday the 19th, I found waiting for me:

Soonercon, by the way, is a great convention. Who would have guessed, out there in the middle of Oklahoma? Great spirit, good parties--although not nearly as elaborate as Southern parties have become these days--good attitude. Like Arnold, I'll be back.

Between Monday the 20th & Turkey Day came:

As you can tell, the material is beginning to roll in. Charlotte's piece, by the by, is well nigh perfect. I've included it in this mailing for those who are still a bit confused about what I am looking for. In terms of deadlines, I think if everything else comes in by the end of the year, I should be able to mush it all together to be copied & collated in time for DSC. Those of you who need more time have had it bought by all those who delivered on time--and therefore have given me plenty to do in December getting it all prepped up.

After I returned from my epic California trip (two cons in one weekend, making a grand total of three in two weeks--I do not recommend this, by the way), I found waiting for me:

While I was at Loscon in L.A. I ran into once and future SFPAn Richard Brandt. He's doing a piece (for the San Antonio Worldcon, I think) on the history of Texas fandom. I asked him to send me a copy, too, when he's done. It'll need to be condensed, but I think it will make a nice addition, since Texas is officially part of the SFC territory even if in modern practice it's pretty much gone its own way. Although I vaguely recall a Texas bid for a DSC fairly recently.

A few days after I got back from my West Coast mega-roadtrip, came trundling in:

Important pieces I still don't have confirmed authors for:

Phoenix winners:
Doug Chaffee & Joe Haldeman--Vern Clarke

Knoxville: Rusty Burke to talk about Satyricon. +

The Atlanta Worldcon Bid--Ron Zukowski + (Penny, you should know that if he doesn't come through I'm going to make you do this.)

I'll be contacting the above people this week and will hopefully get it all squared away. I'm assuming the rest of you will be delivering in the next few weeks--Gary Robe, Binker & Guy, this means you especially. I hope that I won't have to resort to torture by Lillian, as threatened in the first mailing. Hmm, I guess this doesn't have much weight against Lillian--it'd be more like an incentive to be late. Have no fear, I'll come up with something suitably hideous: how about tapes of Gordon Liddy's talk show? See, I knew I could motivate you, Guy!

To everybody else: thanks very much and KUTGW--I am very excited by the response so far. I just hope I do justice to the material and all of your terrific efforts!

Questions? Comments? Send e-mail to: ssmith@smithuel.net

Copyright (C) 2000 Samuel A. Smith and T.K.F. Weisskopf All Rights Reserved
Last Revised: Sat Jan 22 14:19:27 CST 2000