SFC Handbook Progress Report 12/03/95
TO: A huge chunk of Southern Fandom
FROM: T.K.F. Weisskopf
RE: SFC History & Handbook 1996, Update III
The last mailing went out to about 60 people. This one
will go out to even more. Here's what's been happening:
Tuesday November 15th:
- A package arrived from Janice Gelb featuring a
card with a scantily clad young man on the front
(the woman knows how to get my attention, what can
I say?) & some program badges & a SFC button
- I had a phone call from Sam Smith, Web
Head (not Boy), to discuss specs for the
Web page that will be derived from the fanzine
- message from Susan Stockell
- phone call from Timothy Lane getting correct
mailing address
- fax from P.L. Caruthers-Montgomery (who corrects
my spelling of her name for the millionth time)
and Larry Montgomery, who emerge from the "mists
of GAFIA" sending greetings, full support
and permission to reuse their material.
Wed. Nov. 16th:
- A Mimosa w/Chat
& Mim history from the Lynchi came
in the mail
- Had a long talk with Susan Stockell re:
Nashville fandom (suggests Lee Billings for Musicon)
- Chatted w/Bill Francis, who is sending early
SFC Bulletins & will search his "archives"
for pre-1980 program badges. We, in a mad fit
of enthusiasm, have decided that we will commit
to finishing the project in time for this year's
DSC, and will have a program item to roll the
puppy out. (Aiee.)
When I returned home from Soonercon, Sunday the 19th,
I found waiting for me:
- Fax from Holly Hina regarding Zielke &
Associates & black olives (but she doesn't
remember the Avocado--Julie will have to fill her
in!), and a wonderful Kelly Freas cartoon of Tucker
- Fax from Julie Wall with her stuff &
Charlotte's, with disk to come
- A letter from Meade with "The Birth of the
Southern Fandom Confederation" & permission to
use his earlier material
- A long phone message from Dan Caldwell
promising wonderful things--and pointing out that
he only heard about this a few weeks ago.
Dan--you have an extension on the deadline till
the end of the year if you need it.
Soonercon, by the way, is a great convention. Who
would have guessed, out there in the middle of
Oklahoma? Great spirit, good parties--although not
nearly as elaborate as Southern parties have become
these days--good attitude. Like Arnold, I'll be back.
Between Monday the 20th & Turkey Day came:
- A package from Ned Brooks with great photos of some
of our founding fathers as teenagers (these will be
the only photos I run), a sheaf of caricatures and
zine covers, and a history of fandom in the
Tidewater area (including the origin of the
"purple mouth" part of his small press, Purple
Mouth Press).
- A couple of messages from mike weber, who needs
more time & can have it
- A talk with David Weber, who is getting a couple of
his friends together to work on coverage of Magnum
Opus Con
- A talk with Judy Bemis regarding Florida
- A card from Pat Molloy, who needed more time for
his various pieces & can have it, and who
gives permission for his earlier work on
Huntsville cons (that he does not ever
remember writing) to be messed with by Mike Kennedy
- A letter from Tom Feller, who is still working
on finding someone to cover Baton Rouge and needs
more time (I'm beginning to see a pattern here...).
- Possibly other stuff I am forgetting
As you can tell, the material is beginning to roll
in. Charlotte's piece, by the by, is well nigh
perfect. I've included it in this mailing for those who
are still a bit confused about what I am looking for.
In terms of deadlines, I think if everything else comes
in by the end of the year, I should be able to mush it
all together to be copied & collated in time for
DSC. Those of you who need more time have had it bought
by all those who delivered on time--and therefore have
given me plenty to do in December getting it all prepped up.
After I returned from my epic California trip (two cons
in one weekend, making a grand total of three
in two weeks--I do not recommend this, by the way), I
found waiting for me:
- From Bill Francis: copies of DSC badges from '79
and '78 (with the legend, "Wake up, lad!
When convention's over, there'll be time enough
to sleep.", and SFC Bulletins from '78, '79 and '80.
- The promised disk from Julie Wall and a pledge
to record for posterity the Avocado Incident.
- Disk, art & hardcopy form Tim Lane on the
long history of Fosfax with current subscription info.
- Disk & hardcopy from mike weber on Myriad and
Kelly Freas, with a suggestion to beseech Lon
Atkins for the art from his Rebel--will do.
- A fax from Greg Bridges of Memphis on the DSC
Rebel & Phoenix winners, a precis of Darrell
C. Richardson's career, and an index of a fanzine
from the '70s, Diversity. He
also mentions he did a short history of Memphis SF
cons for P.L.'s SFC Bulletin that he says he
can update. Okay, go for it, Greg!
- A fax from Mike Kennedy with the updated history
of Huntsville fandom & a lovely chart listing
all the cons to have taken place there with
date, venue, attendance, GOHs and committee
chairs. Disk is promised if he doesn't hear me
scream. No screams, Mike, send the disk.
- A message from Sandra Miesel, asking me what the
heck it was I wanted again, and can she have
an extension (yes, till the end of the year).
- A message from Maurine Dorris, asking for a
extension on her many pieces--I left a message, but
in case you didn't get it: yep, you got until the
end of the year.
- The piece from Steve & Sue Francis on
NorthAmericon 1979
While I was at Loscon in L.A. I ran into once and
future SFPAn Richard Brandt. He's doing a piece (for
the San Antonio Worldcon, I think) on the history of
Texas fandom. I asked him to send me a copy, too, when
he's done. It'll need to be condensed, but I think it
will make a nice addition, since Texas is officially part
of the SFC territory even if in modern practice it's
pretty much gone its own way. Although I vaguely recall
a Texas bid for a DSC fairly recently.
A few days after I got back from my West
Coast mega-roadtrip, came trundling in:
- "A Brief History of RiverCon" (longer version)
and (shorter version), disk with both text
and artwork & logo, and printout of
art & logo. I'm using the longer version
(you're right, for a twenty year history you get
to spread out a teeny bit), don't know if I'll be
using your art on disk or not yet. We'll see.
- And somewhere in there I talked to Chloie Airoldi
who assured me Knoxville would be taken care of
by somebody, if not her
Important pieces I still don't have confirmed authors for:
- Phoenix winners:
- +
- Doug Chaffee & Joe
Haldeman--Vern Clarke
Knoxville: Rusty Burke to talk about Satyricon. +
The Atlanta Worldcon Bid--Ron Zukowski + (Penny,
you should know that if he doesn't come through
I'm going to make you do this.)
I'll be contacting the above people this week and
will hopefully get it all squared away. I'm assuming
the rest of you will be delivering in the next
few weeks--Gary Robe, Binker & Guy, this means
you especially. I hope that I won't have to resort
to torture by Lillian, as threatened in the first
mailing. Hmm, I guess this doesn't have much
weight against Lillian--it'd be more like
an incentive to be late. Have no fear, I'll come up
with something suitably hideous: how about tapes of
Gordon Liddy's talk show? See, I knew I could motivate
you, Guy!
To everybody else: thanks very much and KUTGW--I
am very excited by the response so far. I
just hope I do justice to the material and all of
your terrific efforts!
Questions? Comments? Send e-mail to:
Copyright (C) 2000 Samuel A. Smith
and T.K.F. Weisskopf
All Rights Reserved
Last Revised:
Sat Jan 22 14:19:27 CST 2000